Virgin Islands Sailing Association (VISA) is the USVI MNA (Member National Authority) to World Sailing (WS). VISA is also the Sailing Federation member to VIOC (Virgin Islands Olympic committee) representing the sport of sailing in the US Virgin Islands

VISA’s purpose:

  • To govern, promote and encourage interest and participation in the sport of sailing in the US Virgin Islands for all segments of the community by serving as the National Authority;
  • To encourage our membership to participate in local and overseas competition and to provide them with a framework and logistical support to succeed at International and Olympic events;
  • To maintain its status as a Full Member of World Sailing (“WS”) and to make such affiliations with other Associations that will maintain and enhance the Association’s role as the National Authority for US Virgin Islands.
  • To promote educational programs in the training of sailors, race officials and race management personnel for participation in international, national and intersectional competition
  • To recognize and support WS by; Promoting the objects, interests and influence of WS.
  • Carrying out and respecting WS’s rules, regulations and decisions;Using reasonable endeavors to persuade others within the Association’s jurisdiction to refrain from actions that are inconsistent with WS’s objects,rules regulations and decisions.
  • To represent its Members to WS
  • To provide a Committee to hear and determine appeals from the ruling of any Protest Committee of races sailed within VISA’s jurisdiction.
  • To arrange and conduct races where the need arises.